
Underground Confidence Recovery

Screw Willpower

Published 4 months ago • 1 min read

What is willpower?

Dear Reader,

This is what willpower is, for me.

If you listen to my media, you know I'm always saying that it's not because of your lack of willpower, that you can't stop eating. That's true! (Go back to your first emails if you want a recap of why you can't make yourself stop).

In January, the world hits the refresh button and most people decide to give up something unhealthy, or start doing something positive. We get swept along with this vibe. So it's a small window of opportunity to make a change.

But how?

When you'd rather stay cosy on the sofa, how can you change?

I began running in 2021. I started slowly with 'Couch to 5K' (which I'd thoroughly recommend btw) and now I run 2 or 3 times a week. I've kept it up pretty consistently over time.

Is it willpower that's kept me going?

I'd say it's taken these three skills:

1) Consistently being mindful of why I want to run.

In my case, it's for health reasons. I want greater energy. Running delivers that.

2) Supporting myself throughout.

I'm not constantly thinking,

"How am I going to get through 20 minutes of running?"
"This sucks"
"I hate this"

Well, tbh, I am thinking those thoughts! But then I switch my focus. I'm thinking,

"I can do this. I've done this before"
"I'm strong. Look at how powerful my body is!"
"This is only a short amount of time in my life. I can do it!"

3) Staying in the present moment.

Sometimes I count how many steps I'm taking per breath. I might check every part of my body for my running form. And sometimes I tune into the strength of my body (this one gives me a dopamine hit for sure!)

I'm always coming back to this step, this part of the run, and this moment. And taking one more tiny step forward, literally.

As soon as I start looking forward to the end, the run becomes harder.

Every moment you choose to do something different, you're already being that 'better' version of yourself than you were before.

These tiny steps make up real effective willpower, for me. Rather than trying to force myself to do something I don't want to do.

I will talk about breaking habits and motivation again soon. But for now;

What tiny step forward do you want to take?

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Underground Confidence Recovery

Shelley Treacher MA.BACP Accred

Core Recovery from Comfort Eating or Toxic Relationship

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